Wiley's father just celebrated his 80th birthday. The whole family got together at the old homestead. A good time was had by all.
On a recent trip to Blue Springs State Park, I saw the biggest alligator I've ever seen--about 14 feet! There are also some gorgeous old live oak trees dripping with Spanish moss.
Wiley continues to fish several times a week. On a recent trip, I got a good shot of this fisher in his breeding plumage.
Everyone knows our penchant for lighthouses. This one (Ponce Inlet Light) is very close to home. One of these days we're going to climb its numerous stairs and get the view from the top!
I captured this shot of a friendly red shouldered hawk at DeLeon Springs State Park, where I went to make pancakes with my friend Elaine. You make the pancakes right at your table in a charming old mill overlooking the springhead. Great fun!
We've been eating well from Wiley's garden. He has broccoli, collards and cauliflower. In the back you can see his bell pepper plant that survived from last year and is still producing!
On one of Wiley's recent fishing trips, this great blue heron was looking for a handout. Handsome fellow, isn't he!
We hiked on the Castle Windy trail through a hardwood hammock. These resurrection fern are so neat--they turn brown and dry when there's a lack of rain, and then resurrect themselves with the first splash of moisture!
I liked the patterns in this shot of a wasp nest and spider web in front of a palmetto leaf.
We've also enjoyed making friends with some fellow seasonal campers. Here, Nancy and Wiley are enjoying a campfire.
We also enjoyed a trip to Gemini Springs and DeBary Hall with Nancy and Frank. This bottlebrush tree is one of the biggest I've ever seen.
I think I've posted pictures of DeBary Hall before. It's a lovely old Florida "mansion." I thought this window vignette was charming.
This little spring near DeBary Hall used to be part of the DeBary property. It's now a county park. The spring is tiny, but the color is so vivid and unusual! It's called "Green Spring," but to me it looks very blue.
In addition to fishing, Wiley likes to walk the beach and collect shells. There was not a very good shell display in the visitor center at Canaveral National Seashore, so Wiley made two display boards. There have already been many compliments on them.
I hope that brings everyone up to date--I'll be posting more frequently this Spring when we hit the road again.