6/25/09 (Thursday): I'm in the home stretch now with the chemo--one treatment to go! It's been very hot and rainy here, so we've cut back on our outdoor activities a little.

We kayaked down Rock Springs Run one day. The rain had turned the normally crystal clear water kind of brown. It had also brought down a number of trees.

At one point, we had to call the outfitter to send someone out to remove this huge tree (covered with poison ivy) that was completely blocking the way. It was very interesting to watch these three guys and a chain saw in a small boat. At one point, they dropped the chain saw in the water and had to dive for it! Afther a few tries, it started up again and we were soon on our way.

This alligator was about 9 feet long!

We also enjoyed the annual Dykes family reunion. Due to our travels, Wiley and I had missed the last two reunions. From left to right, we have Wiley, Joyce, Wiley Sr., Marguerite, Cathy, Bruce, Katelyn and David.

We didn't have any organized activities other than our potluck supper, but we enjoyed visiting with everyone, the breeze off the water and the big shade trees. We're already looking forward to next year's get together!

After all the heat we've suffered for the last couple of weeks, yesterday dawned cool and foggy. We were up early, and decided to take the kayaks out on the Wekiva River. There were jeweled spiderwebs everywhere. Those are some pretty brave spiders to build their webs out over the water!

I close with this shot of me the day after a chemo treatment. I hope no one is feeling too sorry for me!


Joyce and Wiley said...

We're really looking forward to freedom from doctor appointments. Of course, we still have to get Wiley through his deep brain stimulator surgery.

Anonymous said...

Joyce and Wiley,
So happy to see your post as we've been wondering how you are both doing. Also very happy you are almost done with chemo. Is Wiley's procedure scheduled yet?
Our email is: workampers@sbcglobal.net if you have a chance to drop us a line. We hope to get to FL this winter. All depends on my mom.
Take care and keep up that wonderful attitude.
All the best to you both.
Gary & Carol

Julie said...

Wow! It's so good to have you back blogging again. I love the water shadows in your first photo and your kayaking photo. That spider web is HUGE. I did look and look for the ole spider but couldn't find him/her. However, my big question is -- what on earth is the shoe doing in the reeds near the alligator's tail? By the look on that gator's face, do you think he just had "man" for his lunch?

Joyce and Wiley said...

I knew Julie would see the shoe in the alligator photo! I waited and waited for someone to notice it. I didn't see it when I took the photo, but when I downloaded it and saw the shoe, I was reminded of the old cartoon with the two alligators sitting by the pond with a pair of glasses and a shoe. The one alligator says to the other: "Tastes like chicken!"

Anonymous said...

hey guys! that picture of the Spider web is beautiful...although I wouldn't want to meet the spider who owns it!
-Lindsay in Boone KOA

Joyce and Wiley

Joyce and Wiley
Our Home on Wheels

About Me

My photo
We took early retirement from careers as Executive Assistant (Joyce) and Lawn Care company owner (Wiley). We have been full-time RV'rs since March, 2006. We've taken our RV to Maine, Michigan, California, North Carolina and everything in between. We live in Florida in the winters and travel in the summers. It's a tough life, but someone has to live it!