Amish Buggies
8/31/11 (Wednesday):  Wiley's surgery is this Friday!  Then he gets the device turned on in two weeks.  To pass the time, we took a drive to Shipshewana, Indiana, today.

It's a pretty town about 3 hours from Ypsilanti with a large Amish and Mennonite population.  We enjoyed the pretty farms, Amish horse and buggies everywhere, and a good meal at the "Blue Gate Restaurant."  The name is from an old story (which is untrue) that the Amish folk painted their gates blue when they had a marriageable daughter.  Strange, huh?
Amish Boy with Pony Cart

The food was good and we enjoyed browsing through the shops full of handmade goodies.  Some of the memorable things that I was not able to take a picture of included:
  • Clothes lines hung with overalls, aprons and "plain" dresses
  • Big kitchen gardens and flower gardens

Corn Shocks

 I haven't seen corn stalks stacked like this since I was a kid.  The farmers in Maryland used to do this.

It was a great day.  Now we're ready to get Wiley fixed up!


Mag said...

When we lived in Montana we would visit the Mennonites farms. Always fresh produce,eggs and a homemade pie. Yummy.

Anonymous said...

Is that a rubber mat for the horses to stand on? Interesting trip!


Joyce and Wiley said...

Yes, the parking lots behind some of the streets had water, hitching posts and those mats. I guess the horse's feet got a rest while the owners were shopping!

Mark Leone said...

Looks very scenic. Have you made travel plans after Wiley's surgery?

Joyce and Wiley said...

We're hoping to head back to FL in early October. If all goes well, how do you feel about a visit from us this winter?

Joyce and Wiley

Joyce and Wiley
Our Home on Wheels

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We took early retirement from careers as Executive Assistant (Joyce) and Lawn Care company owner (Wiley). We have been full-time RV'rs since March, 2006. We've taken our RV to Maine, Michigan, California, North Carolina and everything in between. We live in Florida in the winters and travel in the summers. It's a tough life, but someone has to live it!