6/17/08 (Tuesday): It's been a quiet week, although the campground is busy. We've both had colds and so we haven't felt like being too active. My cold turned into a sinus infection. I had to go get some antibiotics today. Man, I've never had such a headache in my life--even my hair hurt! I've never had a sinus infection before, and I sure hope I never do again.

We did take a short trip to see Stone Mountain. Stone Mountain was formed from molten lava millenia ago and over the centuries, springs have carved large toughs down its sides.

Wiley did a little fishing in this beautiful mountain stream. I plunked my chair down right in the water (it was a nice warm day) and read my book. It was a very relaxing day.
Tom and his family came for a really quick visit. They stayed in a little rental trailer here at the campsite. We had a great time! Claire and Margo particularly enjoyed roasting marshmallows.

We had a nice hike on the greenway.

Acted silly (a lot)!

And celebrated Margo's 4th birthday.

It was a short visit, but we squeezed in a lot of good memories. I miss them already!


Julie said...

Glad to see you are back blogging again but sorry to hear you've been under the weather. Stone Mountain -- there is a Stone Mountain near Atlanta, Georgia. I wonder if it's part of the same range of mountains.

Now, whatever you are doing to adjust the picture size, they are larger than ever. Can you just do the reverse of whatever you're doing? For example, the little girl with the flower over her nose (cute shot, by the way) -- I can only get from right above her eyes to the bottom of the flower petal on my screen at one time. Does that tell you how huge the photos are when I open them up?

I love them -- especially the little boy in the middle of the greenway. Beautiful shot. It looks like you all were having a very good time. I'm wondering what you are reading now. I had to laugh at my vision of you sitting on a chair in the creek. Next time Wiley has to take that photo. It's been quite hot around here but our crepe myrtle is in full bloom. It's very beautiful around Ocala these days.

Joyce and Wiley said...

Okay--I've got the camera set on medium now. I'll switch to small (or even extra small if I an find it). Thanks for the heads up.

The little girl with the flower on her nose is Anna, my oldest granddaughter. The "little boy" in the middle of the trail is my granddaughter, Claire.

Right now I'm reading a Reader's Digest condensation collection. Very light, summer reading.

Darcie said...

The girls are so cute. Hope all is well with the Dykes clan up there.

Joyce and Wiley

Joyce and Wiley
Our Home on Wheels

About Me

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We took early retirement from careers as Executive Assistant (Joyce) and Lawn Care company owner (Wiley). We have been full-time RV'rs since March, 2006. We've taken our RV to Maine, Michigan, California, North Carolina and everything in between. We live in Florida in the winters and travel in the summers. It's a tough life, but someone has to live it!