7/10/08 (Friday): I've got lots to blog about, so I'll just jump right in!

We enjoyed a visit with Wiley's parents and our niece and nephew. Two weeks ago, I flew to Orlando and then drove them back here. Last Monday, I reversed the process and drove them home to Orlando, then flew back to Boone. We had a great time, and it was good to have the whole family together.

The campground goats were thrilled to make a new friend of Katelyn. They're so funny--we have goat food in ice cream cones for the kids to feed them with. You hold up the cone as you walk down the hill to their pasture and make ba-a-a-ing noises. They stampede up the hill, pushing and shoving and then eat the food out of the cones.

We ladies enjoyed a trip to the cemetery just up the hill. The land where the campground is located was originally a land grant of 1 square mile to the Brown family. Jont Brown was the first Brown to be buried there. It's a family cemetary with graves dating back to the 1700's, including the grave of an unknown child. Surviving members of the family have a reunion at our campground every year. They spend an afternoon maintaining the cemetery, and it's really a lovely place.
There's even a little outhouse--very clean and well maintained!

We have a lovely swimming pool in the campground, but the kids never went in. Katelyn and Nana did play a game of mini golf, though.
A number of the barns in this area have these quilt square paintings on them. After a little research, I discovered that local people have painted the quilt square patterns of their families on their barns. Mag was intrigued by this idea. These barns were on the way to Valle Crucis, where we went to the Mast General Store.

I've talked about Mast General Store before. There are several of them in this area, but this one in Valle Crucis is the original one. We enjoyed picking out penny candy and doing a little early Christmas shopping.
Of course, we had a couple of evening campfires, complete with hamburgers and hot dogs on our tripod grill and s'mores.
Katelyn is very gifted artistically. She spent a lot of time with her sketch book.

David enjoyed a little computer time.

For me, the highlights of the week were Blowing Rock,

Kayaking on the New River,
and visiting Mt. Airy, which was the inspiration for Mayberry on the Andy Griffith show. Wiley Sr. and Jr. and Katelyn all got haircuts in the historic Floyd's Barber Shop. What fun! It took about 3 hours by the time they finished with all the customers and locals who dropped in, but it was an afternoon well spent. We had lunch in the Blue Bird Cafe, which is famous for pork chop sandwiches.

I also have pictures from Grandfather Mountain and the mile-high bridge, but that'll wait for another blog. We made some wonderful memories!


Julie said...

It looks like you all had a great time. I especially liked the photo with the reflection of the kayak in the water -- beautiful yellow and blue colors. That first "barn" is really odd, isn't it? (The one with the lemon slice picture on the window.)

Two questions -- In the first photo with Katlyn and the goat, what are those buildings back up on the hill? They don't look like homes. Animal shelters?

At Mast General Store, what is in those jars on the shelf? Just curious. I'm glad you are back blogging again.

Anonymous said...

Wiley and Joyce showed us a GREAT time. The pictures tell only half the story. God's handiwork was all around us.The weather was a little chilly, had to have the heater on some nights. You better hurry and make your reversations as they are filling up fast.
Thanks Wiley and Joyce.

Anonymous said...

Its so good to have you back at the enviable blog post. I know that you are just as entertaing in person as in blog. So your visitors surely had a great holiday. I hope you never get too busy to not post blogs. It's part of my life now. Troy

Joyce and Wiley said...

The buildings behind Katelyn are small mobile homes (called "park models") where our seasonal guests live. I'm not even sure the building with the yellow quilt square on it is a barn. The rough-hewn siding on it is very common around here (and beautiful, don't you think?). The jars on the shelves at Mast General Store were full of all kinds of jams, salsas and other home-canned goodies. You're going to love it!

We really enjoyed your visit, Mag and Wiley, and hope you'll be able to come again for the fall colors. Julie is coming for a visit in August (don't have my calendar in front of me right now), but visitors are very welcome!

I'm glad everyone is enjoying the blog, and I'll definitely try to post more frequently. It's great fun for me to blog--I find I pay more attention to the fun things we do.

Somehow I've lost my Grandfather Mountain pictures. Hopefully Mag will be able to send me some that she took (get David or Katelyn to help you, Mag). I've made a CD of all the pictures I took and am going to send it to you as soon as I can get to the Post Office, Mag.

Mark Leone said...

It's nice to see some more photos. We owe you some too. Hudson and I had a great backpacking trip in Yosemite, and we all had a car-camping trip in a great campground just off the beach near Santa Cruz (just north of the pier that Wiley fished from during your visit).

- Mark

Joyce and Wiley

Joyce and Wiley
Our Home on Wheels

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We took early retirement from careers as Executive Assistant (Joyce) and Lawn Care company owner (Wiley). We have been full-time RV'rs since March, 2006. We've taken our RV to Maine, Michigan, California, North Carolina and everything in between. We live in Florida in the winters and travel in the summers. It's a tough life, but someone has to live it!