1/31/09 (Saturday): There's been another curve in the road of our Great Adventure, but I'm happy to report that life is still good.

The nodule on my lung proved to be a small cancer (the size of a dime). It was self contained and had not spread at all. The lymph nodes were all clear. I had it removed Thursday a week ago and am now at home (in the RV) recuperating. My mother- and sister-in-law were real troupers, allowing us to use their spare room and caring for us while we made preparations for the surgery. My son Mark was here all last week, supporting me in the hospital and transporting Wiley back and forth from his folks' house to the hospital. My son, Tom, arrives this evening (Mark left this morning) and he has the pleasure of transporting me to quite a few doctor's appointments next week. Family and friends have called, visited and emailed and offered help from all over the place. I feel extremely fortunate that I caught the cancer very early and have been surrounded by so much loving care. The prognosis is excellent. I may take a short course of chemo to help prevent a recurrence. I'll know more about that next week.

Now, I'm way behind in my blogging, so here's a condensed version of what I had planned before the detour of our adventure.

We were so sorry to leave our volunteer job at Gold Head Brance State Park. We really liked to other volunteers and the park staff and we had such a nice campsite! We've already talked to the ranger in charge of volunteers about the possibility of trying again later.

This is Gold Head Branch, the creek from which the park takes its name. It's a really pretty spot.

I'm getting tired, I'll call that it for now. Have a great week!

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Joyce and Wiley

Joyce and Wiley
Our Home on Wheels

About Me

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We took early retirement from careers as Executive Assistant (Joyce) and Lawn Care company owner (Wiley). We have been full-time RV'rs since March, 2006. We've taken our RV to Maine, Michigan, California, North Carolina and everything in between. We live in Florida in the winters and travel in the summers. It's a tough life, but someone has to live it!