9-24-08 (Wednesday): I'm just back from five days in Michigan with Tom and his family. I had a great time! We kept really busy. I visited both Anna's and Margo's school, went to soccer practice with both Anna and Margo and went to three parties.The girls have grown up so much! Anna is now in first grade. Margo goes to preschool three days a week. Claire has started talking in full sentences and wants to do everything her older sisters do.

We enjoyed playing dress-up,

reading (Anna) and being read to (Margo and Claire),

and lots of partying! We especially enjoyed the pirate party (it was "Talk Like a Pirate Day").

Margo and Anna both play soccer.

Tom coaches Margo's team.

I can't believe Anna is 6 years old already!

It was a wonderful trip. I especially enjoyed being part of a typical (very busy) week.


Julie said...

Well, Tom, where on earth during Joyce's visit did you ever expect to include a hike in the woods? Soccer coach, three lovely little girls, a visit from their doting granny and not one, not two, but three parties!!! Goodness gracious. You are one bustling, busy family. We can blame it all on your mother -- if she wouldn't have such enticing photos, we'd be happy simply viewing them on her blog. Perhaps we'll both be able to fulfill our hiking desires one day.

Great shots of the grands. They obviously love having their granny around. I know you chose to be called "granny," Joyce, but honestly, I don't see a single "granny" sign in you. My dear sweet grandmother, whom we also called "granny," was bent over with arthritis, walked with difficulty, worked on the farm and looked her age. You sure don't fit the bill!

Boy, it's good to be back enjoying your blog again.

Mark Leone said...

Wow, the girls are growing up fast. Thanks for the photos!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe, either, that Anna is already six. All the girls are growing up so cute - and I'm astonished that the two oldest are playing soccer!

Turtle Class said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Darcie said...

Sorry that was me with the deleted comment. Looks like you had fun. We celebrated pirate day in my class too :) The girls look like they are doing great.

Anonymous said...

Tom, you have come a long way since I first met you and Mark. You were playing frisbee in my front yard.
What a nice famly you have. Mama is so proud of you and Mark. You have made her a happy Granny.
It's a lot of hard work raising children, but it comes with many rewards. You are making memories right now.Time goes by very fast, just look at Anna six all ready.
Keep up the good work. Joyce tell me you have a wonderful help mate.

Joyce and Wiley

Joyce and Wiley
Our Home on Wheels

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We took early retirement from careers as Executive Assistant (Joyce) and Lawn Care company owner (Wiley). We have been full-time RV'rs since March, 2006. We've taken our RV to Maine, Michigan, California, North Carolina and everything in between. We live in Florida in the winters and travel in the summers. It's a tough life, but someone has to live it!