5/21/06 (Sunday): We’re in Maine! We left Scusset, MA about 10 AM this morning, and traffic was light. We had originally planned to stop in NH for the night, but the roads were good and we had no trouble getting around Boston, so we decided to push on. It’s 4 PM now, and we’re in a very nice (luxurious actually) campground in Old Orchard Beach. We’ll probabaly stay a couple of nights and then head for Megunticook Campground (our final destination) on Thursday.

We want to go to LL Bean and explore a little of the southern coast. First impressions: very rocky, cold, spitting rain, very dark forests with good sized white birch trees on the edge. Can’t wait to start exploring!


Anonymous said...

Hey Joyce. Eva gave me you web site....I have enjoyed reading about your adventures! You definitely have more patience than I would. Have a great time & tell Wiley hello.

Anonymous said...

Dear Joyce and Wiley:
Thank you for sharing your adventures with me, I have a great time reading it:) it`s so exiting!!!take care!

Joyce and Wiley

Joyce and Wiley
Our Home on Wheels

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We took early retirement from careers as Executive Assistant (Joyce) and Lawn Care company owner (Wiley). We have been full-time RV'rs since March, 2006. We've taken our RV to Maine, Michigan, California, North Carolina and everything in between. We live in Florida in the winters and travel in the summers. It's a tough life, but someone has to live it!