8-16-06 (Wednesday): I had a heck of a time posting today. Apparently blogspot.com has a new beta version, and it just wouldn't let me log on to the old version. I finally succumbed and signed up for the new version. I really wanted to post today! The new version actually looks kind of neat--quite a few of the improvements look like they'll be useful.

Anyhow--on with the events of the day!

I'm sitting here in my spotless camper. We got busy this morning and did a thorough fall cleaning--shampooed the carpet, washed the windows, scrubbed the bathroom and kitchen. It took only 3 hours! There are a lot of advantages to this scaled down life we're living!

After our cleaning frenzy we treated ourselves to lunch at a new Chinese buffet. It was pretty good as buffets go. Not as good as the one in Apopka, though, Lucie! Then we headed off to rent some kayaks. There's a sporting shop near the campground that rents kayaks for 24 hours for $25 and applies the rental toward the purchase of a kayak within a month. Since we're planning to buy kayaks, that seemed like a very good deal.

We got little blue 9-foot recreational kayaks. They're made out of plastic and you sit down in them right at water level. I'll post some pictures of them tomorrow--I didn't take my camera today because I wanted to make sure there'd be a way to keep it dry.

We put in on the Megunticook River in the shadow of Mt. Battie and Mt. Megunticook. It was really fun! We saw a loon (they're bigger than I thought) and a couple of blue winged teal. We took out at a lovely picnic area and had a rest in the shade before heading back. The paddling was almost effortless and the day was gorgeous.

Tomorrow we plan to take the kayak to Camden and put in at a little beach there (assuming the ocean is calm). We'll paddle out around the lighthouse and see our campground from a whole new perspective. On Friday we're going to Fort Point State Park. Should make for some interesting posts!

1 comment:

Julie said...

Chinese food? Well, I now know John will be happy when we visit you.

You two are becoming more committed to the camping lifestyle -- kayaks? It sounds like a lot of fun (watching you guys from my beach chair, that is)!

Joyce and Wiley

Joyce and Wiley
Our Home on Wheels

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We took early retirement from careers as Executive Assistant (Joyce) and Lawn Care company owner (Wiley). We have been full-time RV'rs since March, 2006. We've taken our RV to Maine, Michigan, California, North Carolina and everything in between. We live in Florida in the winters and travel in the summers. It's a tough life, but someone has to live it!