6-18-06 (Sunday): Not much to report yesterday or today. We’re working the afternoon shift this week, so we’ve had to learn a different routine. Yesterday I worked with the other workamper who’d already done the afternoon shift. Today I was on my own. Everything worked out fine. I checked in a bunch of campers (including one who arrived two days earlier than scheduled!), made a bunch of phone reservations, sold lots of ice cream, wood and ice, and closed up shop on my own. None of it is hard, just a lot of steps to remember, and think on your feet. I’m not nearly so nervous as I was at first. All the campers are so nice! It’s fun talking to people from all over the country (and some from Canada and England)—everyone has a story.

I’m still suffering with the bug bites I got a couple of days ago while gardening for Lori’s friend. I counted 80 bites on my legs alone. I also have bites on one arm and my neck. They itch like mad. On the druggist’s recommendation, I’m using Benedryl lotion. I discovered last night that you can’t take Benedryl by mouth when you’re using the cream, so I’ll skip the evening cream and take a couple of pills. I need to get some sleep! I woke up a lot last night scratching away, and I sure don’t want scars!

The weather has turned absolutely beautiful this week—70’s during the day and mid-50’s at night. We had the heat on last night!


Anonymous said...

Oh, how beautiful is that Cadillac Mountain and lupine photo. John and I liked the Wiley shot, too, but we both wonder -- where's that great smile we know he has? He always looks so serious. Sorry to hear about your bug bites. Boy, what memories you are building.

The lady who is traveling with five kids and home schooling for a year -- did she and her family appear on T.V.? We saw a special of someone doing that. Just curious if this was the family.

Anonymous said...

80 bites on your legs alone!!! That sounds like enough to make you sick!

Joyce and Wiley said...

Julie - Wiley does have a great smile, but as the Parkinson's Disease progresses we're seeing less and less of it. It's a symptom called "mask of Parkinson's" that most patients get. We're both really happy and enjoying our great adventure immensely!

I don't know if the lady traveling with the 5 kids has been on TV or not. I'll ask her the next time I see her. The little boy was in the store today and we were talking about the movie "Cars" and what my son, Mark, does at Pixar. He's a neat little kid. All of them are very well behaved.

Lucie - I've read that cattle are sometimes killed because they get so many bites. I seem to be a little better today--not quite so itchy. But I will definitely see a doctor if they don't keep improving. I'm worried about infection, because they are open sores.

Joyce and Wiley

Joyce and Wiley
Our Home on Wheels

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We took early retirement from careers as Executive Assistant (Joyce) and Lawn Care company owner (Wiley). We have been full-time RV'rs since March, 2006. We've taken our RV to Maine, Michigan, California, North Carolina and everything in between. We live in Florida in the winters and travel in the summers. It's a tough life, but someone has to live it!