6-27-06 (Tuesday): Yesterday was rainy all day. After work all I wanted to do was veg out on the couch with a good book and a cup of hot tea. Wiley went fishing again—the man doesn’t even mind going out in the cold and wet when it comes to fishing! We now have plenty of fish for our fish fry!

Today started out gray and cold, but wound up sunny and warm and great! Work was fun today—all kinds of interesting people on the phone and checking in. I made a reservation for Art Linkletter’s grandson and chatted with him for a while! I also had a young family with the cutest little girl coming camping in a tent—their first camping trip. She reminded me a little of Anna—very chatty and charming.

After work, we drove down to Birch Point Beach State Park. We’d been there once before at high tide and I loved it. This time the tide was very low, and it was like an entirely different place. I like this park a lot because there are big flat rocks to walk around on with lots of tidal pools. The forest comes right down to the edge—lots of spruce trees—very northern looking.

We walked way around the point and watched the fog roll in. The wild roses were in bloom everywhere there was a patch of sunshine for them, and the smell was fantastic—cool salt and seaweed scented breezes mingling with the sweet smell of roses. Wow! We stopped at Subway and had some pretty decent sandwiches for dinner, and then went grocery shopping. When we got back, I went in the camp store for a while and chatted to Fran, my fellow Workamper and friend.

It’s a lot like living in a small town here—with all the advantages and disadvantages of small town living. It’s hard to keep any secrets living and working in such close quarters. By the same token, it’s great to have friends so close by and chat with them every day. Fran has volunteered to work a couple of shifts for me so that I can go visit my new granddaughter in July. I’ll work a couple for her so that she and Richard can take a much-needed long weekend. Plus we can feed each other’s cats.

I think I've decided on the subject for my first sketch--the steeples of those two churches I told you about in my 6-21 blog. I won't try to do the churches, just the steeples. Here's a picture of them.

Life is good!


Anonymous said...

Well, Joyce, after reading this blog, I have to admit I had to go back to 6/21 because I immediately said "What churches"? I'm glad you added the date. Today I will have to get a map of Maine from AAA. Is there a Rockport and a Rockland near you? For some reason, I'm thinking you mentioned both.

Joyce and Wiley said...

Yup, I've mentioned both Rockport and Rockland. We're about mid-way up the coast on the most indented part of Penobscot Bay. We're about 4 hours north of Boston and 2 hours north of the NH/ME border. Rockland is the biggest town nearby (which isn't saying much--it's about the size of Apopka!) It has its own harbor and old part of town with neat shops and old houses. The next town up is Rockport (our mail comes from their post office, although we're a little north of the town line). Rockport also has a harbor and an quaint old downtown area. The next town north of us is Camden, which is THE tourist destination. It has its own harbor and lots of classy antique shops, bed and breakfasts and restaurants. Our favorite place in Camden is Camden Hills State Park. You can drive up Mt. Battie (less than 2,000 feet) and see Camden Harbor. There are also lots of nice hiking trails. We actually prefer Rockland and Rockport because it's less touristy. Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park are about two hours north of us. The Augusta and the mountains are west of us.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Joyce don't make those plans to see your grand baby until we have our visit out. July3-July10. We are getting ready and looking forward to being in New England again.

Anonymous said...

How did you like my first try at a comment? I'm Mrs Anonymous, and wanted you to know that twice. That's me, Joyce's mother in law. It's hard to teach and old dog new tricks.

Joyce and Wiley said...

Way to go Mag! My mother-in-law, the computer geek!

Don't worry, we're looking forward to your trip as much as you are. Grandbaby isn't due until July 23 or thereabouts.

Anonymous said...

Well, all I can say of that lighthouse picture is...there's my house! (LOL) How many times have I said that so far? Still, what more could you want? That's my dream home, for sure. One of them, anyway...

Joyce and Wiley

Joyce and Wiley
Our Home on Wheels

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We took early retirement from careers as Executive Assistant (Joyce) and Lawn Care company owner (Wiley). We have been full-time RV'rs since March, 2006. We've taken our RV to Maine, Michigan, California, North Carolina and everything in between. We live in Florida in the winters and travel in the summers. It's a tough life, but someone has to live it!