10/31/06 (Tuesday): Today we're going to leave the Tiger Creek Preserve for a little hike with Wiley's Mom and dad, our niece, Katelyn, and good friends Les and Troy. We went over near Oviedo to the Little Big Econ State Foresst. This is a lovely area on the Econlockhatchee River (now you can see why we shorten the name to "Econ"!).

It was a very hot day. We started with breakfast at our favorite local restaurant, whose name has escaped me at the moment (Mag--help me out here!). It was a long wait to fit all of us in, but we had fun catching up on everyone's news and watching the ducks (a local landmark--they just roam the town at will).

The main purpose of our hike was to visit a new bridge that was just dedicated. Unfortunately, due to the heat and the sugar sand on the trail (very difficult to hike in loose sand), we never reached the bridge. We saw lots of animal tracks in that loose sand, though, which was fun. Mag and Wiley headed back by a shortcut while the rest of us pushed on. They were smart--we never did find the bridge, and it was just not a pleasant hike. We all got so hot that we turned back early. Some of us were not feeling too well, and we didn't want to push too hard.

Wiley and I spent a few more days with his parents. They're so generous in feeding us, letting us use their washer and dryer and putting up with us. They actually had us convinced they were happy to have us invade their home! Thanks, Mag and Wiley!

David and Katelyn (our nephew and niece) have grown up so much (is that facial hair already?!) and we enjoyed their company, too. Uncle Wiley took them metal detecting one afternoon. David liked it so much he's thinking of buying one for himself. We're hoping the whole family will come here for a visit.

Shortly after we got home from our visit with Wiley's folks, our friends, Julie and John, came for a visit. They only had one afternoon to spend with us, but we had a great time! We sat in the shade near the pond and got caught up, and then took a ride on the ATV through part of the preserve, ending up at the bridge over Patrick Creek. What a blast!

Well, that's about it for this time. Next time I'll tell you a little more about our jobs here and our visit to the Treasure Coast. Stay tuned!


Joyce and Wiley said...

You're right--we saw chickens, not ducks, and it's the Town House Restaurant. Thanks for helping me past a senior moment!

Julie said...

Joyce, look at that tree in front of me where I'm gathering pine cones -- it is like a dark web all over the trunk of the tree. I can't wait to return and do more exploring. This weekend I hope to try making one of my pine cone snowmen. John and I will have to explore that Museum, too. Hope to see you soon again.

Joyce and Wiley said...

When you come next time, we'll go to the Nature's Choice juice plant--they give tours. We'll also explore Frostproof and Lake Wales--they look like neat little towns. I'd like to get the directions for making those snowmen for my sister-in-law. She has a Girl Scout troop.

Joyce and Wiley

Joyce and Wiley
Our Home on Wheels

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We took early retirement from careers as Executive Assistant (Joyce) and Lawn Care company owner (Wiley). We have been full-time RV'rs since March, 2006. We've taken our RV to Maine, Michigan, California, North Carolina and everything in between. We live in Florida in the winters and travel in the summers. It's a tough life, but someone has to live it!