5/16/07 (Wednesday): Spring is very cold and wet here in the northlands, but the trees are all leafed out and in bloom everywhere. It's beautiful, if wetter and colder than we expected.

We had a big surprise on Monday afternoon! We had just finished working and having an early dinner and I was in the shower. Wiley called out to me that Andy was here. He's one of the young men who were on the fire crew at Tiger Creek Preserve with us! It turns out he got a job with The Nature Conservancy in Frankfort! He stayed with us Monday and Tuesday evenings. He was going to put up his tent, but the weather has been cold and wet this week, so we talked him into staying with us. He's a delightful young man and we've enjoyed his visit. We look forward to seeing him some more this summer. He's getting an apartment with a couple other Nature Conservancy young people in Benzonia, which is the town where I grocery shop. It's a small world!

We were off last weekend, and we went to the nearby town of Mesick (pronounced "me sick"!) for the Morell Mushroom Festival. It was a cute, small town and we had a good time. There was a carnival, yard sales, arts and crafts sale and a parade.

We took the long way home and enjoyed passing through a couple of small towns. Many of the houses and businesses seem to be from the Victorian era and are well kept up.

I just got word that my good friend, Lucie, got her dream job--congratulations! I'm so happy for you!!


Anonymous said...

Love all the small towns~they are cute! Is your schedule similar to Maine?

Joyce and Wiley said...

Yup--our schedule is going to be about 20 hours a week each. We'll probably work four 5-hour days a week. So far, it's kind of loose because we don't have many campers. I've been gardening because there's no office work. We've had weekends off so far, but eventually we'll work them.

How are the kids?

Joyce and Wiley

Joyce and Wiley
Our Home on Wheels

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We took early retirement from careers as Executive Assistant (Joyce) and Lawn Care company owner (Wiley). We have been full-time RV'rs since March, 2006. We've taken our RV to Maine, Michigan, California, North Carolina and everything in between. We live in Florida in the winters and travel in the summers. It's a tough life, but someone has to live it!