1/5/07 (Saturday): Just a brief note to let everyone know we're fine this morning. We sandbagged and battened down the hatches. It was pretty hairy--we could not have driven out of the canyon once the rains started. But our sandbags held, and the rain finally stopped around midnight. There's another big storm coming in late this afternoon, so we've decided to move to another site that did not flood. I've got to get busy--we need to move before the rain starts again! I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hang in there kids,"this to shall pass"
Joyce and Wiley called this afternoon. In the move across the way, it may be dry, but she has no way of keeping in touch by way of the blog. In a day or two she should be back on the computer. She will have some stories to tell. They were looking for more storms later today.

Joyce and Wiley

Joyce and Wiley
Our Home on Wheels

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We took early retirement from careers as Executive Assistant (Joyce) and Lawn Care company owner (Wiley). We have been full-time RV'rs since March, 2006. We've taken our RV to Maine, Michigan, California, North Carolina and everything in between. We live in Florida in the winters and travel in the summers. It's a tough life, but someone has to live it!