6/13/07 (Wednesday): We made it to our new campground today. We love it! Our camper is right on a little lake and sheltered under some cottonwood and maple trees. The ground is covered with fluffy, white cottonwood seeds--it looks like somebody had a pillow fight! The owners are very friendly and helpful. We have tomorrow off to do something with our nephew, David, and we start work on Friday. We offered to take David to a nearby amusement park, but he says he'd rather go fishing! We just finished dinner (tacos) and now we're going to set off to find the lake and explore our new surroundings a little. I'll post some pictures of the new campground tomorrow.

Here are a few pictures we took right after David arrived. We came straight from the airport to the Frankfort beach and did a little fishing (didn't catch anything). Isn't the sunset gorgeous?!

It's hard to tell in this photo, but these two ducks were leaving a molten gold wake behind them!

That's all for now--Wiley finished the dishes and we're off to explore. More tomorrow (if David let's me near the computer!).


Anonymous said...

The picture of Dave looks professional enought to frame.Would like a copy.

Joyce and Wiley said...

I liked that one, too! I'll print one for you as soon as I get a color cartridge for my printer. We're having so much fun. I'm glad Cathy and Bruce let him come for a visit.

Julie said...

I LOVE the sunset photos. I have a feeling we might be getting a "few" more in the future. Take lots. Will you be able to hike to the lighthouse?

Joyce and Wiley said...

You can't walk out to the lighthouse because it's on Coast Guard property, but you can walk out on a parallel jetty. Wiley and Dave fished there. It's a beautiful area to watch the sunset. There were a lot of people there looking for the "green flash" that is sometimes visible right after the sun dips below the horizon. They do this in Key West, I know. I've never seen it myself.

Joyce and Wiley

Joyce and Wiley
Our Home on Wheels

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We took early retirement from careers as Executive Assistant (Joyce) and Lawn Care company owner (Wiley). We have been full-time RV'rs since March, 2006. We've taken our RV to Maine, Michigan, California, North Carolina and everything in between. We live in Florida in the winters and travel in the summers. It's a tough life, but someone has to live it!